Step Up For Charity

 There are several ways you can help:

1. Donate via Paypal (Check out the link to the left)

2. Send a check made out to Stair Climb Charitable Fund to:

Stair Climb Charitable Fund
Mutual Savings Bank
Attn: Amy Meador
1124 N. Main St.
Franklin, IN 46131

3. Organize a raffle! You can contribute to the effort in a big way by organizing a raffle at your office, social group, or amongst your friends. Here's how it works and you will even receive a free gift for helping. I will donate a gift set of hot sauces ($20 to $35 value, depending on the set) to be raffled off. Included will be a free bottle of hot sauce for you undertaking the time & effort to help out.

Sell chances, draw the name, award the prize, foward the money to the Stair Climb Fund, and keep a bottle of sauce as my sincere thank you. If you wish to help this way, please send me a note at (remove spaces) jim @ Please include "StepUp Raffle" in the subject header.

4. You or your company can sponsor the event. I am happy to consider using your product (sports drink, nutritional supplement, clothing, etc) in exchange for a donation. You would then be welcome to develop promotional literature for your use as is mutually agreeable. An example of someone already on board for this would be Nautilus, the maker of the StairMaster.

5. If you are unable to make a monetary donation to our efforts, please do what you can to make the world a better place by helping out a neighbor, a friend, or better yet- a total stranger and do so without expectation of a return benefit.

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